Address: Bodenhof 4, 6014 Luzern, Switzerland
  Contact: +41 795 918 269

The process from collection to storage


The collection of cord blood is carried out after the birth of a child after the umbilical cord is tied and cut. Collection is performed by the obstetrician or trained medical staff.

The collection of umbilical cord tissue occurs immediately after the collection of cord blood. The umbilical cord is disinfected in a physiological solution and stored in a collection container.Cord Blood Cells

Collection of the placenta takes place after its delivery; it is disinfected and placed in a collection bag.

The collection itself is safe and pain-free both for the newborn and the mother.

All collections can also be formed in non-standard birth situations, such as Caesarean section, epidural anaesthesia, water birth, premature birth, mothers with diabetic diseases or gestosis.

Transport of collected material

Cord blood, cord tissue and the placenta together with maternal blood samples and appropriate documentation are prepared on the maternity ward and transported to the laboratory by licensed transport service in special insulated boxes.

Processing and storage

The collected cord blood, cord tissue and placenta are processed in specialised laboratories. The processing laboratories are subject to very strict safety and hygiene measures. Processing is conducted by qualified personnel using laminar boxes. After checking the quality of the material it is frozen to a temperature below -150° C and placed in a biological container in which it is stored long term.

Processing of cord blood is carried out worldwide by many methods. Some companies only separate the stem cells, significantly reducing the resulting volume of precious biological material. Cord Blood Center Group, on the basis of scientific knowledge, does not use reduction methods since this leads to the loss of up to 40% of the cells. The exact role of certain types of stem cells contained in the umbilical cord blood is not known even now but we are confident that, in the future, application in various types of treatment could be established. Hence, we use the method that has been used in the USA for a long time, which is proven by years of practice, and which allows us to freeze the entire collection of umbilical cord blood, separating only part of the unnecessary plasma.

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